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Gum Disease Treatment at Shenton Park Family Dental

Periodontal (gum) disease is caused by an inflammatory response in your gum tissues as the result of a heavy bacterial load inside your mouth. If you have visible plaque or calculus buildup on your teeth, it places you at an increased risk of gum infections. Occasionally we will also see people who are genetically prone to gum disease, even without tartar buildup on their teeth.

If you have untreated gingivitis, it can (and almost always will) evolve into a periodontal infection.

Screening for Periodontal Disease

Woman smiling big with toothbrushDuring your initial exam, we will conduct a screening for gum disease. If signs of gum infection and detachment are present, we’ll discuss them with you. As we measure the gum levels around each tooth and assess bone height on your X-rays, we’ll make you aware of the severity of the condition.

Be on the lookout for the following symptoms:

  • Gingivitis
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Bleeding when brushing or flossing
  • Plaque and calculus
  • Tooth discolouration
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Receding gumlines

As gum disease worsens, you’ll tend to also develop a foul taste in your mouth, aggressive swelling and even loose teeth. Biting down may cause discomfort or tenderness. The sooner you get on top of the infection, the better treatment there is to fight against it.

Managing gum disease requires more than a basic clean. Typically we’ll recommend a deep cleaning with our hygienist, who will use specialised tools to get down inside of the pockets around the teeth. The goal is to remove all of the bacterial deposits and eliminate the source of infection. At that point inflammation and bleeding can be managed and the tissues potentially reattach to the root of the tooth.

If you prefer, we can use a local anaesthetic to ensure your comfort.

Following your deep cleaning, we’ll place you on a shorter recall schedule to maintain your gum health. Typically we recommend a clean every 3-4 months depending on your symptoms. The key is to gain control over this chronic condition before it can progress into tooth loss.

Your oral health is directly tied to your overall wellness. Untreated infections such as gum disease can strain your immune system and allow bacteria to spread through your cardiovascular system. Numerous studies show that untreated gum disease can statistically raise your risk of unstable blood glucose levels, stroke, diabetes, premature birth and pneumonia.

The good news is that treating your oral infection and establishing a healthy environment can improve your level of wellness, making it easier to stabilise other underlying medical conditions.

How does gum disease start?

Untreated gingivitis and tartar buildup trigger an immune response that causes inflammation and bleeding. In turn, those gum tissues begin to detach from the tooth and the underlying bone starts to shrink away.
Can gum disease be reversed?

Gum detachment and bone loss cannot be reversed. The goal is to stop the infection to prevent it from getting any worse.
Is gum disease contagious?

We do see some types of gum disease that run in families, so your genetics may come into play. Some studies also suggest that the infection can be spread through saliva when kissing or sharing food.

Schedule a Screening Today

Are you exhibiting symptoms of gum disease? Reserve an exam today for a formal evaluation before you risk losing your smile. Contact us today.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.

Gum Disease Treatment Shenton Park, Subiaco, Daglish WA | (08) 9381 8700